ap's anthology of loving women as a woman
(in alphabetical order...60 authors!)
Know how it starts? she leaves her
watch on your bedside table and you
leave a shirt at her house then
you wear a jacket of hers home in the
rain and she starts to keep a T shirt
in your bureau just in case then it's
two toothbrushes and backup wheat germ and kelp because she doesn't eat
wheat germ and you don't eat kelp and then
you make a corner for some of her
things and you begin to think of the
end of her couch as your end of the
couch and after that you might as well
just throw in the towel
Love, you hide in my breast like Oh!
I remember when I first saw you, I shouted,
said, Look out that window! But I didn't
know you were the window just then.
Didn't know I'd already soared through it.
When we sit in the kitchen at night together,
I can tell you the exact moment when I think
if I never live another minute it won't matter,
I feel such joy. Tonight [when] you stood up
and, folding your napkin, said, Coffee, Love?
I want to praise bodies
nerves and synapses
the impulse that travels the spine
like fish darting
I want to praise the mouth
that warm wet lair where the tongue reclines
and the tongue, roused
slithering a cool path
I want to praise hands
those architects that create us anew
fingers, cartographers, revealing
who we can become
and palms, cupped priestesses
worshiping the long slow curve
I want to praise muscle
and the heart, that flamboyant champion
with its insistent pelting like
tropical rain
Hair, the sweep of it
a breeze
and feet, arch taut
stretching like cats
I want to praise the face, engraved
like a riverbed; it breaks like morning
like a piñata
Breasts, cornucopia
nipples that jump up, gleeful
like a child greeting the day
and clitoris, shimmering
a huge tender pearl
in that succulent oyster
I want to praise the love cries
sharp, brilliant as ice
and the roar that swells in the lungs
like an avalanche
I want to praise the gush, the hot
spring thaw of it, the rivers
wild with it
Bodies, our extravagant bodies
And I want to praise you, how you have
lavished yours
upon mine
until I want to praise
Listen. It's morning. Soon I'll see your hand reach for my watch, the water will agitate in the kettle, but listen. Traffic. I want your dreams first. And to slide my leg beneath yours before the day opens.
Wait. We slept late. You'll be moody, the phone will ring, someone wanting something. Let me put my hands in your hair. Who I was last night I would be again. This is how the future holds me, how depression wakes with us; my body shelters it. Let me put my head on your breast. I know nothing lasts.
I would try to hold you back, not out of meanness but fear. Oh my practical, my worldly-wise. You know how the body falters, falls in on itself. Tell me that we will never want from each other what we cannot have. Lie. It's morning.
i felt passion
in one hour between
your succulent thighs
this theoretical lesbian
a practicing dyke.
We did it everywhere.
We were middle-aged women
with middle-aged husbands
and school-aged boy children.
We did it with bodies so tired,
hearts so heavy,
that doin' it was the last thing
on our minds.
Still, something greedy whispered,
get it while you can girls,
because you never know
if or when
you're gonna get again.
We did it and called it empowerment,
and adultery.
We dared man or nature
to deny that doin' it
was anything but sacred.
We flaunted.
We hid.
Tense and tangled,
sometimes we forgot
when to run, when to taunt.
We stopped.
Caught our breaths, confronted.
Like dogs in heat, we fought.
Our lives uprooted,
recovered to fight,
to blame some more.
In the end
we cared for ourselves
enough to stay
alive, in this world, together.
And a year, and a year,
and the years go by.
Less and less
we press each other.
Still we love.
But oh the sex.
It's never been the same.
Life on the edge is an addiction.
Honest life is pleasant, better, definitely better,
but so damned tame.
My next lover will have a car
maybe a Mercedes.
She won't expect me to bicycle
If we're going to a family wedding
an awards dinner or
a program in the black community on a
Sunday afternoon
where I'm the keynote speaker—
she'll wear a skirt.
My next lover will love kids.
She might even have one or two
of her own. In any case
she'll be crazy about mine.
She'll be thrilled to babysit
when I have to go out of town
even if it's for a month.
My next lover will have something she's
impassioned about and obsessed with
besides me.
There'll be times when she can't wait to
get back to whatever she's
creating. There'll be whole weekends
when she doesn't care
what I do, and won't even notice
if we haven't made love.
But my next lover will always be
available for me.
Whenever I'm ready
her timing will be perfect.
My next lover will be wild about
When I ask her what's wrong
she'll come out with more than
two syllables.
My next lover will never give up on us.
She'll believe in couples therapy.
If we reach a point where the whole thing
just isn't working anymore—
she'll change.
My next lover can flirt with whomever she likes.
We'll both know it's not serious.
And while many women will probably want her
my next lover will want to stay with me.
She'll know she'll never get
a better offer.
You write to say you love me, to say
I loved you; to tell me that even now
If I called your name you would come back:
To say you are empty, to say you want me,
That I want you-which is all true.
But, tonight, I am a grave digger,
Filling a small black hole with leaves,
With leaf-mold, with my cat, who is cold.
If I answered your letter I would say
To you that limitless love sets limits;
That though I miss your mouth on mine,
This emptiness in which I find myself is
Filling and good, that I am satisfied
In the way that a cat is satisfied
With its own solitude. I would tell you
That this grave I here fill is not the
Ultimate black hole, but is a cradle,
Cat-size, a bed; that the stone I lay
At its head says I am not forgetful,
That love lives on. I would remind you
Of what you already know, that grief
Is real and must be suffered, that wish
And deed are not the same. I would say
I want you— and will not call your name.
I am not a man
trapped in a woman's body,
but a woman held prisoner
in a world
expecting me to fit
into uncomfortable shoes
and walk with a certain swing of the hips
along roads that lead to alien pastures.
Call it persperation or sweat,
but know that it is wet, just the same.
My glow is laced
with grit and grese
from the front axel
It's my car,
so I fix it,
and then I fix
and wash the laundry,
happy to hang her sweaters and socks to dry.
When I have time,
I alternate her underwear on the line
with mine,
knowing that nobody cares but me.
I have only myself to please,
and I enjoy tinkering, creating, rebuilding.
I love the songs that spin from my bicycle
after ive freshly packed the bearing
the melody my cat purrs when I stroke
the thick fur surrounding his ears.
I love the smell that kicks
when my chain saw chews pine
as much as a fresh cut of roses.
I rock with pleasure
at the silent rhythms my body finds
shoveling snow, walking in sand,
and breathing beside the woman I love.
I revel in the salty taste of sweat
handing from my upper lip
when my work demands it.
All responses are womanly
because they are mine.
I have only myself to please,
and it pleases me to love her.
Isn't it gynergizing
when u are the only
2 dykes
on the whole
block of sidewalk
& u are trucking towards
each other
a dyke w/ stretched-out stride and
a dyke w/ wheelchair glide
& when
each of u
has passed the other
& yr eyes
no longer meet
u both crane around
for another glimmer
of each other's
Before you left, I bought another chain
so your quartz ornament could pendant down
between your breasts,weight the hollow place
I like to lay my hand to calm your breath.
I know I often give you what I need.
And now you're gone, and I'm a wishbone sprung,
an unhinged sternum with its ribs all slipped
and disengaged, the flopping heart uncaged.
I wander like I'm lost around our house,
from desk to yard to empty bed and back
—which means the joke's on me when I admit
that I could hardly wait for you to leave.
I saw a part of me who would emerge
in solitude: the hard-edged writer gone
too flaccid from the comforts of your love,
who longed to keen and howl about the house
and rattle back to skeletal remains
of pain's incisive easy eloquence,
instead of groping to articulate
the brinkless sloppy liquid of our love.
Janice, remember diagrams we drew
in grade school, shading in to show how deep
two circles intersect? I'm scared to find
how far you've cast yourself across my life.
If our relationship is like two spheres
that deeply overlap, am I eclipsed,
the part that's "us" what love has penciled in,
so when you leave I'm like a bitten moon?
We both run cringing at the sound of "wife,"
its specter draped with aprons, dresses, men.
But I need words to show I mean to stay,
to say how very deep in me you spin.
Fly back to me, and lay your palm against
this heart that spills itself in search of you.
Your hand completes the line that marks my edge
and lets me recognize my life's own breath.
Lie here, you say:
The clouds are sailing by.
The wind's picked up.
Careful not to touch, I stretch
along your body, place my head
a fraction of an inch from yours
inside the small square
of light-charged air
that heats your comforter.
Look up, you murmur,
See the way they slide?
I watch, grow dizzy with the pace
as white silks slip across
the turquoise frame, as your cool breath
moves moist against my ear.
This is where I love
to lie and dream, you say. And here's
the moment I could tell you
I've been dreaming too, of you,
or simply turn my face
and meet your lips,
the moment I could trust
I understand your hints,
and why you've brought me
to this place.
And if I kissed you
softly as a cloud,
traveled over you
as slowly as a mist,
and entered you
as gentle as a fog,
would I be
as welcome as a rain?
Would you lie still,
watch sky as if I
wasn't touching you?
Would you run?
Or would you sigh,
so glad to have
the waiting done,
and turn to me,
and could we two,
together, gather
like a storm?
I. Sleeping with You
Tenderest: your soft stroked
cheek beside my breast,
my kiss there. Then you stretch
and let me tumble,
nestled, toward your chest.
Your palm supports my neck
and I remember
how to float again, to let
the body rest and trust
this water, willingness.
You tug on me as surely
as a newborn's suck
knots up the womb again,
beloved draw that rakes
and heals old emptiness.
II. Skin
Hands to cup a chin and cheek,
Lips to trace a nape of neck,
Hips to fit a belly's curve,
Words to witness what we have.
I used to say A pillow pressed
against my chest will pass for touch.
But now to press along your spine,
reach over you and cup your breast—
I'll never know a better rest.
You know, the kind of woman friend you
can be a girl with.
You know what I mean a woman you giggle
with one minute and can be dead serious
the next.
The kind of friend that you can be a bitch
with and she thinks that you were being
a bitch just then, and tells you so.
The kind of friend that you usually
tell all to and when you forget to tell
her some secret that you have been holding
and casually mention it to her, you are
surprised that you hadn't told her.
You know, the kind of friend that you can
go out with and it's not always dutch.
The kind of woman friend that, you
play with and sleep with and go to
the movies with and gossip half the day
or night with and argue politics with and
never agree yet always agree with ... you know?
The kind of friend that you keep secrets
for and with and can be P.I. with, in fact
you both insist upon it.
I mean the kind of friend that you laugh
and cry with over some woman breaking your
heart even though this is the fourth time
this year it's happened, and she will hold
you and let you wail
just like it was the very first time your
heart was ever broken.
The kind of woman that will leave
no stone unturned to find out why she hurt
your feelings even if she didn't mean to and
especially if she did.
The kind of friend that you will accept
an apology from graciously even when you feel
now that you might have been being hyper
sensitive that day and revel in the knowing
that someone cares so much how you feel and
you don't have to worry about monogamy or
polygamy or which side of the bed is yours
or nothing.
The kind of woman friend that you can tell
how your lover done you so wrong and she
doesn't get mad when you don't do all those
things you swore you would.
The kind of friend that you can get
mad with or strongly disagree with or lose
it with and she will not give up on you
or stop loving you.
The kind of friend that will give
you space to fall in love even though your
new affair is taking the spontaneity out
of her being able to pop over or to
call you late about some small bit of
info to hear your voice and be assured
about some fear that you can not
yet name.
The kind of friend that doesn't get mad
until she has not seen or heard from you
for two solid weeks and then she comes
over or calls and cusses your ass out for days
and then you go out for an ice cream cone.
I mean the kind of friend that stays mad
with the people that fuck over you long
after you have forgiven them.
The kind of friend that
allows you to wallow in self pity for
just so long and then gives you a swift
The kind of friend that close or far apart
she will be there for you, the distance wiped
away instantly to meet some outside enemy or
I mean the kind of woman who always honors
what is private and vulnerable for you.
You know, I mean girlfriends.
There is a tense, exquisite moment
after our good-night kiss
and before the "I love you"
when I wait
my breath held in
I find myself in so much love
and loving that good-night kiss
Maybe there will be another
and another after that
maybe we'll begin to touch
I wait to follow her lead
I used to push impatiently
I used to question why
I tried to understand her pain
as she switched from hot to warm
My sweet and tender lover
she can only let go
when she's free to let go
and I love her even more
So now the wait is fine with me
I've learned to be trustworthy
I've learned to truly feel and see
I've learned to understand
The reward is great
as my heart expands
it's better than my dreams
because I can hold back
although you did not
I will not push her
you've done that enough
I will not use her
You've already used
she is my life, my love, my heart
I will still be here
when all she sees is me
And you are a nightmare forgotten
She reads late into the night.
Smokes an occasional cigarette.
Does not brush her teeth before bed.
She has all the covers.
She enjoys
o u t .
Look at her hands,
the calm expression on her face—
do you see how she understands
me? I had to have
the chance to be her mate,
to look at her hands
continuously. They craft a precious
plan to consume me in her fate.
Don't you know she understands
there isn't any man
who could compete in this race?
Just look at her hands
and listen to her laugh.
In my life she moves with grace.
Do you see she understands
what fits inside my hand
is finer than being straight?
Look at her soft hands
on my skin. An emotional embrace
is what we understand.
s k i r t s
the skirt she wears
twirls out wide
and you'd like to see it flip up
like it's gonna wave hello—
hey come here
only at you because don't you know
what she's got under there
if you can get to know her
get close enough to her
maybe she'll let you see it
but first you gotta find her
first you gotta meet her
she's gotta be cute smart single
you gotta get her to notice you
get close enough to smell her
then maybe you can kiss her
and if you get that far
you'll probably go even farther
eventually laying down with her
without clothes eventually
climb on top and then
try to spread her sweet legs
apart with your own try to
get her to open up and let you in
between her life and yours
there's a wide space where you can
love her there's a big open slot
of time where you can probably
get to see almost too much
know her almost very well and
unless she's too tight
she'll spill it all out on you
gushing curvaceous ideas and
simple wishes pulling at your hand
showing you how to fit inside
her heart get under her skirt
over your lonely self and into
loving her belonging to her
accepting her buying her gifts
maybe a nice tight skirt
to cradle her ass
or black lace panties she'll slip off
only when you ask her pretty please
honey pretty please
To avoid the thought
of never kissing you again,
I try to remember the goodbye
I didn't recognize as farewell.
A rapid see-you-later glance
of lips. Motor idling.
I insist on another last kiss,
more tender. One unfamiliar
with hurry or acquainted with rush.
I wanted to unbutton
every piece of your clothing
which was all buttons
from that silk shirt
down to the crotch of that gaberdine skirt.
My buttons too:
my jeans brass-button up,
my shirt has six shell buttons,
my camisole has three tiny ones.
This restaurant is in my way
when I want to be unbuttoned and unbuttoning.
Can't you tell?
To do it now.
To reach across the bread.
To start unbuttoning.
My arms so long.
My fingers faster than the eye and omnidextrous.
Now, ain't that loving you?
The texture of cucumber repulses my lover.
But last night we'd forgotten our toy.
I spied a deep-green firm cucumber
in our hostess' fruit dish.
I stole it to our room.
I made the room dark.
The drums outside became more than themselves
and syncopated.
I rubbed the perfect cuke with a ginger oil,
knelt near the bed
and lulled my eyes closed.
The toilet flushed.
Her steps.
The room filled with her sex
as she knelt upright before me
and faced me squarely,
hazel eyes searing the brown dark.
Anchoring myself against her with one hand
and with the other pulling aside the crotch
of her bathing suit.
And felt her there.
Bent and put my face there
to make certain of wetness.
She was surprised at first by
the coolness of the lube,
but I assured her she could take it.
Soon she had no question, even talked to it.
"I finally learned a way to make you eat me,"
I spoke back in a voice not my own.
Why take so long to ask for it?
Come on, girl, are you gonna go after it?
Two days.
I'm only here for four.
Must you be courted so?
Your lovely breasts want
to linger over me.
It's pouring out of you.
I called you weeks ahead
so you could free yourself up.
You bragged that you'd risk the taste
of a stranger's juices,
so committed to desire's destination,
your mouth, the flow of menses.
But you won't take the first step with me.
I have to undress you, undress myself,
pull down the bedclothes,
push you between them,
get on top of you,
stretch the latex, and
talk you through it.
I been traveling to you for four years
from a desperate place
of grimy concrete and oxidized bronze.
I'm tired of assumptions.
Can't you just enter, kneel,
and make me first?
That's why I picked you.
Dykes are hard
to date.
A dyke wants commitment,
romance without abatement,
and unrelenting virtue—
all before the first show of flesh.
While you, a dyke too (and also hard
to date),
may only want to fuck her,
tell her she's got a nice
back, touch her pussy, talk dirty,
she's got another whole agenda.
Dykes should break loose and put off
monogamy, pregnancy, permanency.
Pack your rubber, latex, and leather,
and go on the make.
I know we'll hook up somewhere.
Your breasts visited me in a reverie,
facelessly, two friends,
and sat with me till the dailiness imposed itself.
in my car I am fishing in my pocketbook
eyes on the road
for my wallet.
in my mind I am fishing in your drawers
eyes on the road
for your pussy.
high speeds evoke fucking.
depending on your mood you come.
it goes on:
I do too from you
over the wheel
hand between my thighs
eyes on the road
and the end of all: sex.
my mind:
a favored child has more freedom from her parents
a hippocampus more freedom from the horse and dolphin
a hippopotamus more freedom from her short legs
and muzzle
than my hypothalmus from lusting
and the end of all: sex.
my age?
the years I missed?
the women I had no opportunity with?
an old lover is sweet and good.
an old friend surprising and familiar.
all bodies possibilities.
any bodies.
lust, the cause of every tribute and transaction
for the end of all: sex.
to work to the end of day
to talk to the end of talk
to run to the end of dark
to have at the end of it all: sex.
the wish for forever
for more often
for more.
the promises
the absurdity
the histrionics
the loss of pride
the bargaining
the sadness after.
in wakefulness wanting
in wakefulness waiting.
Straight bars ain't so bad
though filled with men
cigarette smoke
and juke noises.
A martini straight up and jazz
can take me beyond their static.
Alone she came in denim and a
magenta tee
hair cut to a duck tail
ordered Miller's and smoked two
kinds of cigarettes
sat at a table close but distant
was pretty and I was lonely
and knew she was looking for a woman.
All through the set I looked at her
until she split in the middle of it.
I almost followed her out but was too
horny to leave the easy man talking
loud shit to me for a seduction I'd
have to work at.
The music sounding tasty
saxophone flugelhorn bass and drums
hitting familiar riffs
the titles escaping me.
Nothing I wouldn't do for the woman
I sleep with
when nobody satisfy me the way she do.
kiss her in public places
win the lottery
take her in the ass
in a train lavatory
sleep three in a single bed
have a baby
to keep her wanting me.
wear leather underwear
remember my dreams
make plans and schemes
go down on her in front of her
other lover
give my jewelry away
to keep her wanting me.
sell my car
tie her to the bed post and
spank her
lie to my mother
let her watch me fuck my other lover
miss my only sister's wedding
to keep her wanting me.
buy her cocaine
show her the pleasure in danger
let her dress me in colorful costumes
of low cleavage and slit to the crotch
giving easy access
to keep her wanting me.
Nothing I wouldn't do for the woman
I sleep with
when nobody satisfy me the way she do.
Why can't I want you?
(Or is it you who don't want me?)
Are you gone again?
Or is it me gone?
No rush of feeling
in that formidable place of violet sentinels
when I open my eyes.
Two years ago
you gave me a sign
to pull back from pretenders.
I'm still pulling
and so are they.
But can we be friends?
Is there no rush of feeling
nor vague chance
we might meet each other again
in that formidable place?
I notice the disappearance of large things first.
Then left, at the last minute cast off things
too cumbersome to fit your matchbox.
Empty closets.
Dust bold in relief of objects swept from
the dresser top.
Less visible artifacts to be discovered gone
The African's first shock at her severance
from a familiar piece of earth
and an ocean of grief to cross
are what I am feeling this day.
I anticipate tonight not feeling your weight.
Too numb for anger yet.
Too afraid
There's something familiar about this event.
It seems old.
Despite the foreshadowing
I am at this moment unbelieving.
Pretending to hear your car.
Predicting the phone will ring with a message
that what I am seeing is not what I am getting.
I'll yell rape.
It's that kind of emergency.
But there is no siren sounding.
Language is inaccessible.
No vision.
Only memory.
I stand back and watch me scream into a dial tone.
My sense of you is ever more powerful
than you ever were.
From this shore
I don't see how I will ever
get cross that ocean.
How much I do want you
all the time for my
self never out of my
legs nights pushing
between your thighs is
relentless, infinite waking,
primordial nights without
you dark is sorrowful mornings
forgetful of dreams.
For me I want my body's
freedom to protect the narrowness
and breadth and danger of
my own bed.
Not dazzling night
of white hot intent
but slow-loving
down the hours
rubbing, dissolving
turning belly to backside
breast to shoulder blade
breast in hand
Your hairs tickle my bottom
as I touch myself through a
half-dream sequence
of roll and bend, turn and bend.
In the morning you
slide beneath the covers
burrow in my fur
seeking honey
love-touching me
into other worlds
other realms.
When I move to reciprocate
you hold me still, laugh
promise next time, later
tell me you want to
go into the day
all full of my odor
and anticipation.
inside me pulsing
as I vacuum look at books wash dishes cook
ride down the road open my mail burn the trash
ur fingers buckle
my knees Stomach turns over small moans
escape my lips at the laundromat grocery store
ur tongue shivering me while I call a new job
pull the covers up on my bed go to the bank
smack of u comforting belly as u come on me
as I catch a ferry iron a shirt pull weeds
u fingers don't stop
moving me
So I'm in her arms and this hug is going to take more than just a lew seconds and my cheek is against her blue silk blouse and I shift my head and my face is against her neck and I inhale is it musk? whatever it's perfect on her feminine and sexy just like she is so sexy and she doesn't even know and that just makes her all the more sexy and I inhale a few more times and my lips tremble against my will and I almost kiss her neck? her cheek? and would she respond and then I could move to her mouth and back to her neck and around to and between her full breasts and down down down down DOWN would she let me? but she seems tired and i don't feel beautiful enough to compete with the tarot card spread she was reading when i came over so when my lips move again against my will I sidetrack them at the last minute by making them say "I should have brought the Incense I made for you" and—
‹the moment breaks›.
So she's in my arms and her cheek is against my blue silk blouse and she shifts her head and her face is against my neck and her hair is in my face and I Inhale is it patchouly? whatever and her lips tremble and is she going to kiss my neck? my cheek? is she going to try to make me forget my tiredness and seduce me away from my tarot cards? and her lips move again and Is she going to kiss me? and she says "I should brought the incense I made for you" and—
‹the moment breaks›.
Skin to skin in the bow of your bed,
we drift a river of bliss in no
particular hurry to reach the sea.
This time I cradle your back;
my breath feathers the nape of your neck.
Your breasts are fuller than I'd remembered.
I slide my hand over the unexpected mound of your belly.
I never touched you when you were pregnant.
I was the one you loved before
you married and had three babies.
Now I never see you except in dreams
as regular and vivid as my blood.
You will always be the first woman I loved
without lies, and I'm still in love with the me
who loved you like an animal and a god.
Since then I've been threatened and abused,
I've been loved more kindly and more wisely.
In my waking life I rarely kiss
without thought of consequence.
But in my dreams I lean toward you
in front of lighted windows with
night coming on.
In my dreams we still stroll
hand in hand across the campus,
exciting envy as much as hate,
and our courage never flags.
Once I dreamt we were old, both widows.
Meeting again after thirty years,
I tell you I've been faithful
through a lifetime apart.
That out of a world
of pastimes and distractions
You choose to come to me
To open me
And draw out the pleasure
Expecting no return but the sound
Of my cries
And the taste
Of my wetness
Can be a miracle to me.
You lick away
ancient doubts
You suck out
child-lost knowledge I am worthy
Your tongue drums into me
a certainty
I deserve pleasure
And my cunt wants to kiss you back
And I rise to meet you
And dance upon your tongue
And into the gift of your mouth
I come.
soft in your leather
not quite a
bike dyke
no studs on your jacket
those gloves are sinful
no less
so butch
of you
to have those gloves
so femme
of you
to have those eyes
At night, in my dreams,
my legs and thighs
spin a cocoon around her
and there is a penis
slender and firm
it slides gently into me
and I hold her there
In daylight
she appears in front of me
leaning against her classic black
BMW motorcycle
leather jacket
denim jeans
on her boy body
raking five
juvenile delinquent fingers
through her short dark hair
she is my teenage guy
in different times
I could be gun moll
to her gangster moves
a cigarette dangles
from her seductive
heart-stopping lips
When I hold her wrists
above her head
and take her with my tongue
the smell of her
strong and wild
as the best acid trip
When I feel the outside curve
of her breasts
soft as my heart melting
at the sight of
her citrine almond eyes
we know the truth together
it's an inside joke
When they call her butch
and rate her high on the scale
I call her my woman
and take what I want.
On embroidered white
in morning's naked sleep
two women sprawl
murmur and meet
full body, melon breasts
and able stomach
coddle and cradle
One plucks a striped candy
from the bedside commode
sucks and releases it to roll
along an open thigh
laps the sticky trail
They loll and yawn
mid-morning light
exposing their leisure
I have robbed the garrulous streets,
Thieved a fair girl from their blight,
I have stolen her for a sacrifice
That I shall make to this night.
I have brought her, laughing,
To my quietly dreaming garden.
For what will be done there
L ask no man pardon.
I brush the rouge from her cheeks,
Clean the black kohl from the rims
Of her eyes; loose her hair;
Uncover the glimmering, shy limbs.
I break wild roses, scatter them over her.
The thorns between us sting like love's pain.
Her flesh, bitter and salt to my tongue,
I taste with endless kisses and taste again.
At dawn I leave her
Asleep in my wakening garden.
(For what was done there
I ask no man pardon.)
Making love to you
I felt for the first time
I am a woman who loves women
and for the first time
felt I am right here
right now doing what I most
want to do
with who I most want to do it
I could do it with the lights on or off
I could take it hot under the covers
or cold on top wide awake
in my right mind
totally lost totally loved
loving who I am
who I'm with
separate together
forever or just for now
it doesn't matter to me
just the great splashy feeling of you coming
and me knowing
this is who I am
I love it when you come.
Don't stop.
At noon the wind blowing open the door.
I knew it was you.
To enjoy the snow.
To see we were okay.
As before,
When you came as a bird
Fluttering between the front windows
After we buried you under the trees
In Rock Creek Park.
I love it when you come.
Don't stop.
When you first died,
I heard you in sounds:
The cats at Marge and Anne's
Crying for food
As you screamed in pain.
The rush of the sea
Obeying the tide
Your screams, too.
But lately a fragile balance:
Son Jeff gleeful
At the first hockey score
After a long strike.
Your same wild unloosed joy.
I love it when you come.
Don't stop.
And friend Pat hearing fireworks
In Baltimore New Year's Day.
To keep me company.
To fill the void.
Shouting, "Yes!" like you.
I love it when you come.
Don't stop.
I was sitting in the office
at my cold white desk.
The phone was hard—the pen solid. My work
heaped before me like unsorted laundry
And I thought of you The inside
of my skin felt warm and the whole
world moved over to make room
for the memory of your body and mine
heat and heart beats
The ofce light stared down on me;
bright and rude.
People popped out of their cubicles
like jack-in-the-boxes—
wound up. Walking and talking
And the whole world moved
over so that I could feel pillows
sinking and tongues melting and time
I picked up my handful of jangling keys and
my stubborn car across crowded parking lots
to where I slammed my blue door shut and shot
through the store where you stood
behind your counter, a pen behind
your ear, papers at your beck and call. You
were jotting things down and I looked at
your unfinished business in swarms
on the crackling wood countertop and I
everything except my dentist appointment
and my lunch hour ticking smaller and smaller
and the keys in my hand
and the clock on the wall
and the socks in the hamper
and the money in my wallet
Until you said Kiss me
And I leaned across the counter
and the whole world
moved aside
nights when
we don't expect it,
when we're tired and it's late
and tomorrow's work
waits to burst out of the alarm clock,
i turn off the light,
turn to you in bed
for a goodnight kiss and all
the air between us catches fire,
draws us into light and music,
colors playing over our skin,
and there is no first or second
now and then or give and take,
there's touch and taste and both of us
wanting, both of us filled,
water pouring from one cup into another
and back again, your sweet rain
opens my small wet flower, mine
opens yours, kisses like flowers
breathe the length of our bodies,
our legs and arms
grow wild roots around each other,
we drink the wine we stored for each other
ready, to our surprise, barely contained
while our heads were being sensible,
automatic and dull as drones,
our bodies were sensing the low hum,
the sweet scent, the rhythm,
soft petals sweating in the sun
all the while, we were
lifting up wings to the warm wind,
carousing, vibrating, diving,
dancing the wild honey dance all day.
We'll start with a simple exercise
to open your senses:
take a deep breath
close your eyes
Imagine all the silk of China flowing
down your body like a magic kimono,
cascading endless caresses
of brilliant color
rippling down your skin
because I want you
Imagine yourself a cat in the sun,
nothing to do but feel yourself loved, taken up
in a stratosphere of warmth and peace,
no sound but the purr in your throat
fills the heat and light around you
because I love you
Now that you're relaxed, remember
you're the one
who believes in Karma,
remember how, across a room and both of us
busy with our own chores, we suddenly begin
to speak the same sentence; remember
when we met, we found we agreed
on everything trivial and important, yet
everything surprised us; believe
in your heart of deepest hearts that I
am your missing twin, the best woman for you
on the authority of the entire Universe.
On a slightly smaller scale, imagine
my nipples, like eyes
watching you
my legs, like these lines
lying sideways
and opening
my lips kissing yours, quick as anger
but patiently waiting
for your reply
I told my woman,
I said,
Woman I ain't in the mood
for no, girl to girl love
the kind that's only made
when the moon is full, and the cat is fed
I've been waiting for you
on the edge of the bed,
there is a stairwell to the left
a ladder to your right, take any route you like
but, you hurry and climb inside of me,
I need to feel your body weight
pressing into mine, as I tear at the flesh
on your round behind, Please
Now, don't go P. C. all over me
I want to hear you call out my name,
along with God's, Jesus, and all twelve apostles
let's not wrestle with semantics
there ain't no other way to say it
there ain't no other way to claim it,
except to say, I need some woman to woman love
some of that sweat pouring, politically incorrect
arching my back
taking no prisoners
neighbors banging on the wall, kind of love
need you ready and willing,
to come and climb
of me.
she is
an outward
sign of grace.
A sacrament.
A holy one.
A litany
of awe
and wonder.
No elevated
an equal
in glory
and beauty;
this flesh
and blood
kissing my
the palms
of my hands
Our lady
of light
ora pro nobis
Our lady
of hope
ora pro nobis
Our lady
of splendor
ora pro nobis.
Seat of wisdom.
Vessel of honor.
Mirror of justice.
Morning star.
Resplendent moon.
Perennial river of bliss.
Mystical rose.
Gate of heaven.
Garden of pleasure.
Our lady
of desire.
Our lady
of the persistent
Our lady
of perpetual
Our lady
of gumdrop
Our lady
of swollen
Our lady
of trembling
Only skinny girls give
their wedding dresses to Goodwill
I know
I've tried them on
watched people watching me
as I walked the aisle
to the dressing room
billowing with lace and tulle
polyester and beads
silk and satin
extravagance with armpit stains
nervous brides I guess
I went to find
one dress
to express my love to you
in drag
a lesbian with a veil and unbridled desire
I never came out
I couldn't even pull
them over my breasts
which you said this morning
were beautiful
Those dresses were designed
for women with
Tinkerbell waists
I couldn't help wondering
as you sucked my ampleness
if those marriages of starvation
We'll last
longer than satin
maybe not longer than polyester
(that's scary material)
What we have
veil or no veil
dressed or naked
I love you
I do
I do
(…) I miss you.
You are away for the weekend.
I feel a little afraid. It is not
car accidents or earthquakes I imagine.
It is violence.
That bare and simple.
Even a short separation:
a run to the store, a weekend camping
could take you from me.
Someone could hate you in just the right amount that day.
I, too have always been
a lesbian. I have never been straight.
But with you it is different. The hate
is more apparent. Urgent. Men stare at you,
challenge and spit. Even as you hold my hand
they flirt and proposition me. Women turn away
and whisper or stare without blinking.
They look at you and gasp. They parade
around you. A butch lesbian sideshow.
Danger splinters the air.
From zero to ugliness in seconds.(...)
FESTIVAL (1994, for Trish Moore)
brown skin, gold hair, green eyes:
you were the color of the woods you led me through
to the hammock some lovers had stretched
between two trees
and perhaps you'd been one of the lovers,
I didn't ask. My mother warned
her son about girls like you,
but you only wanted to talk. About your women:
one who was too attentive, one who ignored you.
I listened, but not too attentively, letting a daydream lazily rise
and settle into the haze between our bodies.
The hammock rocked us closer together, squashing it.
You lit each Camel impatiently,
as if it should have been lit the moment
a smoke occurred to you—lying in wait
for your warm lips. Rattled on
for an hour, ignoring me really,
but eventually you couldn't ignore
the hammock.
Its shameless rhythm reminded you
of something. We kissed.
You're good, you said, surprised, but
I wasn't insulted. Girl,
I'd have waited all afternoon
to occur to you.
Let's get to the point:
I don't want
a long walk on the beach
with just the right woman
for friendship, and maybe—
eventually—a long-term relationship.
I don't even want
a candle-light dinner for two.
And I especially don't want
a long intellectual conversation.
What I want
is the palm of my hand pressed
to your naked breast.
What I want
is your tongue sliding down my clit
—just the way like it.
What I want
is you.
And I want you
My old lover and I
went fishing.
We believed enough years had passed
since the breakup,
that time had pulled us so far apart,
that we could just go fishing.
My old lover taught me
how to fish, all those years ago.
We were young and in lust
and I was willing to follow her
to that hot, boring, mosquito-infested
pond and learn to fish,
because she wanted me to.
In time, I learned to love
to fish.
After we separated, I kept fishing.
I took all my other lovers fishing.
Some learned to fish, some even liked it
but none ever loved to fish like
my old lover.
So, when my old lover and I met again,
after all those years,
we decided to go fishing.
But it was different this time.
Now we shared the love of the water,
the love of fishing, and the maturity
that the years had given us.
The sun was still stifling hot, but
it wasn't angry anymore because
my old lover shielded the glare by
reading me poetry on the bank of that
fishless river in the long afternoon.
Then, we went fishing in the midnight.
My old lover introduced me to
glow-in-the-dark bobbers.
We sat on the dock, on the lake
in the moonlight and watched our
reen and red pin-lights bob
up and down on the soft waves.
My old lover called me to her side
and showed me the sparkling path
of the moonlight on the water.
It looked as if bubbles of light
were floating up from the bottom
of the lake and popping in a burst
of white on the tips of the waves.
My old lover and I were fishing.
But in that dreamy midnight,
we stood mesmerized on the dock
on the lake in the raining starlight.
Quietly, without intending to,
we share the poetry of our lives
Silently, without meaning to,
my old lover and I
loved again.
All day in a daze of your making
of our making love making
all day awake to the sleep of the ship
of the under-cover lover the above-board sprawl
all day in the daze of the laze of us both
in the puckered nipple and the salt expanse
all day in the thigh in the sly eye
of the belly-button in the curve of your flank
in the laughing mustache of my own pubic hair
all day in the nimbus the haze
in the cloud of the sound of the mosquito buzz
of our love
on skin
Pale cool
my lips
Flushes a
deep pink
and gleams
with moisture
You moan a soft
I tremble with
your breath quickens
There There
There Yes
is what
I live for
So I shut off the light and listened
to the rain.
It finally cooled things down.
I'd swum,
& gotten something to eat, couscous,
a carrot, and then settled in,
naked, early,
and had nothing to do so
turned on the radio,
an ordinary lyrical solo,
and on
into evening, gratifying,
lonely, the steady
downpour broken with thunder,
lightning stumbling
& limbs crisscrossing the sky
now pearl,
willow, cherry, & aspen
heavy, a credible
time to remember other rain,
but I didn't for more
than a moment test myself
against your favorite season
breaking seamlessly in,
and only a little dreamt your skin
characteristically floating on mine
(forgive me the memory of coastal Spain,
misty red grapes—
Your body takes mine
with the force/weightlessness
of constellations
where the simplest separation
eclipses all light.
Planetary movements
caught by the heat of the sun
turn taut elliptical orbits
in sweet spiralling
delirious descent.
Galaxies nestled in my hand,
unbearably iridescent
as your body
your body
Llegará el dia
en que tus caderas
de crema/de café delitarán
en los fuegos nuestros cuerpos
pueden iniciar juntos
en la resplenda riqueza
de nuestro calor
en las manos de canela
que te abren
Dejaré que mi boca
te encuentre
que mis labios
enciendan cada llama
de tu piel
Alma de mujer Latina,
llegará el día
que vivirás
en llamas.
You stood there,
a splendid autumn tree,
your trunk so firm
and strong, your hair
a radiance of flame,
your limbs brushed red,
and all I could think
was how strong the sap
pulsed in you, strong
as spring, all I could
think was how deep
you went, all that
rich sap in you,
deeper and deeper and
deeper and how I wanted
to pull your limbs down
to me then, there, under
the open sky, and how
I wanted you then, there,
to flame up
at my touch, how
I wanted to fall
burning, burning, burning,
and ignite all the hills
in a ring of bright flame
around you, old tree,
old splendid woman,
old treasure, old heart.
How I wanted you then.
How I'm wanting you now.
Loving you is like living
in the war years.
I do think of Bogart & Bergman
not clear who's who
but still singin a long smoky
mood into the piano bar
drinks straight up
the last bottle in the house
while bombs split
outside, a broken
A world war going on
but you and I still insisting
in each our own heads
still thinkin how
if I could only make some contact
with that woman across the keyboard
we size each other up
Loving you has this kind of desperation
to it, like do or die, I
having eyed you from the first
time you made the decision to move
from your stool
to live dangerously.
All on the hunch
that in our exchange of photos
of old girlfriends, names
of cities and memories
back in the states
the fronts we've manned
out here on the continent
all this on the hunch
that this time there'll be
no need for resistance.
Loving in the war years
calls for this kind of risking
without a home to call our own
I've got to take you as you come
to me, each time like a stranger
all over again. Not knowing
what deaths you saw today
I've got to take you
as you come, battle bruised
refusing our enemy, fear.
We're all we've got. You and I
this war time morality
where being queer
and female is as rude
as we can get.
If in the long run
we weep together
hold each other
wipe the other's mouth
dry from the kiss pressed there
to seal the touch
of spirits separated
by something as necessary
as time,
we will have done enough.
DAMN YOU, LADY (The Funky Double Sonnet Tragicomic Lesbian Feminist Blues)
Damn you, lady, get out of my blood for good.
Your eyes, hair, laugh, your politics-erase
them—how your body's swift grace once stood
beside me, how love lit your falcon face.
Damn you, lady, I refuse to wail
one moment longer so uncritically
over you— as if I were a fool
(or even incorrect politically).
Your gestures in quickliquid flow,
your voice, indigo as a violin's—
get out. Go, let my dreams sleep free
of you, your smell, words, songs, silences...
Lovesick morons fail the revolution,
mooning about while work needs to be done
and feminism's surely the solution
to everything except your being gone.
... the way you slept, woke, moved at midnight,
your antic grin that struck and blazed me glad
to be alive, the way you loved a fight
in a just cause. The way you drove me mad.
Damn you, lady, I will not obsess
one second more. Love's just a masquerade
at which we women, like men, can oppress
(an awkward truth we'd rather not parade).
but see I have regained myself entire,
immune to you, asbestos to your fire.
Damn you, lady, I will yet live through
this memory, everywhere I turn, of you.
I want to start at the top of your head & work my way down to the arch of your feet. I want to place one hand on the back of your neck and one hand between your breasts and slowly feel the pulses between our skins. I want to lower you very gently onto a firm soft surface, bed, beach, field, rug & look at you for hours 8 hours. I want your fingers on my arm. I want you absolutely. Tell me that you want me. I want to eat out of the light in your eyes & drink out of the white in your teeth. I want to feel you kissing me deeply all around me, the crown of my head, the palms of my hands, the insides of my knees. Tell me that you love me. Brush your fingers through my hair. I want to kiss you from your throat to your forehead & listen in the still room for the sounds of those good kisses. I want to feel you break into a hot sweat. I want your hard bicep under my hand. I will lean over & kiss you & you will flush with arousal & pull me down alongside you. Then we will entwine our sound limbs & strong hands & exchange our tongues for twenty-seven minutes. I will part your lips & hear you sigh. Slide down me like an arrow. Feel the ocean burn between our legs. Outside there is a desert, night, a small town, bare beach, city park, back yard, dark sky, winter. Press your mouth against my neck. Kiss me so the flesh of our mouths meets & our noses touch. Pull back & look at me. Trace your fingers along my skin. Give me chills. Make me shudder. Sing to me. Pull my hair very very very gently letting it slide through your long fingers. Brush yourself against me like a cat. Now I say, now curl into my beating heart.
How I Want You
the way a plant wants light
leaning its leaves towards the sun
gracefully turning without effort
the way a child wants a lollipop
no not the yellow one the red one
she shrieks pounding the floor
with fists and feet
the red one and only the red one will do
the way a singer wants to sing
and a dancer want to dance
the way moon longs to light my way at night
how sun burns to warm my face in the day
the way cherry trees yearn to blossom in spring
how old maples want to flare orange in fall
the way snow longs to blanket earth in winter
how heat wants to slow my pulse in summer
I want you the way only a woman
can want another woman
with lips smiling arms open
cheeks blushing knees shaking
cunt throbbing heart pounding
desire coursing through my veins
fiercely and tenderly boldly and shyly
with confidence and with fear
with terror with excitement
with the courage of a woman
who is not afraid to look deeply
into herself sitting very still
for a long time until
one day she rises
walking slowly and surely
towards what is pulling at her heart
a woman who is not afraid to look
deeply into the eyes of another woman
and say: this is what I want
with humility and respect
with open admiration
with clarity with dignity
without embarrassment or shame
this is what I want:
When I step into my red silk panties and swivel
intothe strapless bra my butch bought me
for Valentine's Day
When I slide on my black mesh stockings
with toes pointed, sitting on the bed like some
Hollywood movie queen
When I shimmy into my spandex dress
that sparkles over the tops of my thighs:
a disco ball over a snappy crowd
When I puff on my pink clouds of blush,
brush my eyelashes long and lush,
smear my lips and nails richer than ruby red
When I step into my sky high heels,
snap on some earrings and slip
seventeen silver bracelets halfway up my arm
When I dab my shoulders and neck,
earlobes and wrists, cleavage and thighs
with thick, musky perfume
When I curl my hair into ringlets that dip
over one eye and bounce off my shoulder
like a Clairol girl gone wild
When I turn from the mirror, pick up my purse
and announce to my butch that
I'm ready to go
When I see her kick the door shut,
hear her declare,
"We're not going anywhere, tonight,"
When I whine and say, "But we never go out,"
following her back to the bedroom,
my lips in a pout
When I give in and let her have her way
with me pretending
that wasn't my plan all along
ain't nothing like
a handsome butch
standing at my door
all spiffed up
in a fresh pressed shirt
pleated pants
snappy shoes
a long stemmed red rose
in one hand
my heart
in the other
"I'm a breast man" but
she's got manners
won't talk with
her mouth
We did it in bed of course. Lying down, sitting up, watching Julia Child slicing swordfish on a lazy afternoon. We did it in the bathroom before work, the shower steaming up the mirror behind the closed door. We did it in the kitchen standing by the sink, arms covered in bubbles, coffee warming on the stove. We did it in the living room on the couch, windows open, anyone walking by.
We did it in the car on the way to the beach fingers fumbling under bikini bottoms.
We did it in Lord and Taylor's, trying on brand new powder blue underwear and bras.
We did it in the movies, watching Meryl Streep in the dark. We did it at the grocery store in front of Captain Crunch. We did it at a restaurant feeding each other baby shrimp. We did it at the laundromat, our clothes spinning dry. We did it on a mountaintop with a picnic of fruit and cheese and wine.
We did it at your office while your boss was at a meeting. We did it at the hardware store when we went to buy a wrench. We did it on an airplane when we flew to Nova Scotia.
We did it in the ocean, floating on the waves.
We did it at the beach under a red and white umbrella.
We did it round the campfire, one side toasty one side cold. We did it at The Plaza
after room service had gone. We did it at the disco music pumping, lights low. We did it at the library in front of Emily Dickinson, Jane Eyre and Edna St. Vincent Millay. We did it on a waterbed when the neighbors were away. We did it every day in every way and we liked it so much we did it again and again and again
I love it when a pretty
blonde haired girl is nice to me
she could be a track star
cheerleader, student council prez
she got stuffed bears
that she actually hugs
lined up on her pink ruffled bed
she got posters with quotes on the wall
and I'm tongue tied, crushed out
feeling weird like something's
wrong with me, I mean something
must be seriously wrong with me
and I gotta keep that covered
up, keep that very very quiet
so nobody finds out
but keeping that so quiet means
I don't know she got
problems at home and she don't date
she got crushes at school maybe
even on a girl like me
or she might like a friend
she might just anyway
a blonde haired, blue eyed pretty girl
might like a friend like me
The girls go by in their sailor suits
They catch my eye in their sailor suits
In steam-ironed pants and buffed jet boots
They saunter right up my alley.
I study their easy, confident strides
Crew cuts and white hats capping decadent eyes
They shiver the pearl on night's oystery prize
and they shiver me timbers, unbuckle me thighs
This alley was made for seething.
From the sweat of the street lamp or lap of the sea
A smooth sailor girl comes swimming to me
Says she wants it right now and she wants it for free
Clamps her palms on my shoulders, locks her knees to my
This alley was made for cruising.
Her face is dark coffee, her head has no hair
Her cap shines like neon in the bristling night air
She pins her brass metals to my black brassiere
Tucks her teeth like bright trophies behind my left ear
This alley is very rewarding.
She tosses her jacket and rolls up her sleeves
On her arm's a tattoo of an anchor at sea
She points to the anchor and whispers that's me
And the wetter I get the more clearly I see
This alley was made for submersion.
Her fingers unbutton my 501s
This girl's fishing for trouble and for troubling fun
She slides off her gold rings and they glint like the sun
Then she smirks, rubs her knuckles, and spits out her gum
This alley was made for swooning.
Now she's pushing her prow on my ocean's sponge wall
uncorking my barnacle, breaking my fall
and there's pink champagne fizzling down my decks and
my hall
as she wrecks her great ship on my bright port-of-call
This alley was made for drowning.
There is more than speed to this moment,
this you, this love without fear
of time that hasn't passed,
no month yet, no season, no year. We hold fast
inside this moment and kiss towards forever
and the moon through willows as fire dances
across our mattress licking wood to embers
and you burn against me, smolder, singe me
rough with your scratches or smooth
with the palm of your hand, your hair
a tumble of roaming shadow on my belly
as you fuck me until I beg you to stop,
because I know, I know, I am way past midnight,
way past coming, or wanting to, my body
disappearing like sugar in your tea, jasmine
in your mouth, at the nape of your neck,
between your breasts, your heart
drumming like my tongue deep inside you,
like your hand deep inside me, rocking,
through this waveborne night that once
knew only terror and the ancient rage
of women who somehow knew they
needed, wanted, had to have more
than the world of men
could ever offer.
Commitment is boring. So we're told.
Our love will fade like sunworn curtains
and it'll be youandme youandme: same old.
True, we don't spend weekends in bed anymore,
or tackle each morning on three hours sleep.
These days we curl around midnight for
talk that happens only when defenses fall by
the bedside and sleepiness opens us up.
There is something to be said for a lullaby
of touch, familiar hands and voice
that cross us safely over from conscious
to closed. It is hard-won, this choice
to refuse the fairy tale, the hourly kiss
of-covers. We know the impossibility of exist-
ing in such perpetual bliss; inconvenient mask
that cracks open into long and violent nights.
From storybook to here is a movement, not a fast
change backstage. It is a pencil scratching
two circles out of one closed disk. Its breath-
a long, slow stretch toward relinquishing.
I burrow across our wide bed
and run my hands up your sides,
lift myself onto you, fixing
my breasts to lie amongst yours,
let my weight down slowly, and
kiss the end of your nose.
"I love you," you murmur
and we readjust arms,
always too many for lying together,
too few for making love. And
suddenly all of me that touches
you is wet, water rising
from you, sweet, and I
who was standing on firm ground
just looking around, begin to sink.
I roll off, you sweep the covers back,
lying dew filled and water heavy. Then
you rise out of bed
naked and vertical,
lovely thick water lily
rooted in mud. Porous
stem, weeping leaves,
and extraordinary white
flower on top.
Do not ask me
for pain
to open you.
But I would, with
and your consent.
Do not ask me
to cover your eyes.
Won't you know me
with all your senses
as I enter you?
Wouldn't you like
to watch?
Do not beg.
There is no need.
For you are the sacred fire
the softness within the shell
the dance of tigers circling to mate
the tension of hard rain on nipples.
You part me like a quake.
You deserve
that you need.
I do not doubt the importance
of skin: it is so expressive,
it rewards with its integrity.
To touch your skin now, finally,
is somehow miraculous. I abandon
fantasy, your skin surpasses all my best.
And it goes farther still,
the stab of happiness I feel
right now, looking at you.
I watch the light flick on
at the back of your eyes, and spread
to your smile (and grin "I did that"
I want to do it again).
Womon, you are generous, your curves
remind me of everything cool and welcome,
call to mind what the cicada sang
to me in Kansas. And I say yes.
I want to keep saying yes.
(for terry)
Feel my hips smooth and stretched,
pull me toward you,
lay your cheek against mine.
I caress your spine in its strength
of friendship;
I sense the uncertainty in its curve.
Instead of kissing you now
Ilet my hands speak,
around your shoulders
through layers of softness.
There is no hesitation in your hugs.
I see you through a mist of movement,
daring to keep my steady gaze
as we sink down silently,
moments flowing through our pores.
The cats have been screaming in the bushes
all night.
We interrupt
our quickened breathing to laugh,
making me hold you tighter.
I amaze easily;
when I slip into disbelief
you persist at me.
It's hard not to smile back,
though now I veil
a shy-eyed glance
as I fall into your welcoming pool.
I am wet
and your wet and mine mingle,
mirror on mirror.
I pause, waiting for the release
that never comes.
The reel snaps;
the frames have been cut.
I was last seen beside you
and you were thought
to have lost your way.
It's a small matter,
I try telling myself:
we will be easier,
next time.
My unresolved passion dissipates
and suddenly, ashamed,
I hide my breasts...
from yours.
I know that is silly
so I look away.
like a candle softly burning,
your hand is on my shoulder.
You are smiling.
Your absence stirs up frequent conversation
in my brain. I talk to you in rhyme.
I state the facts. I ask for explanation,
my imaginary friend. Silence is aggravation:
winter sans snow, mountain too steep to climb.
Your absence leads to curious conversation
we would never have at home. Revelation
sprouts in unexpected spots, its bloom sublime.
I state more facts. Your explanation
slips a crocus in my hand. My admiration
escalates. I talk to you (why stare?) in mime.
Your absence turns me into conversation
with a cow, a fence. I make a declaration
to the moon at dawn. O love! Time
takes her time, that's fact. No explanation
comes for why I miss you so. Infatuation
ages through the years, like wine.
Your absence puts an end to conversation.
I am the fact. You are the explanation.
I am missing you, tonight
The room is void of your
moans and laughter
I am missing you, tonight
Need your thick, brown hair
to wrap round my fingers
Need your dark smile
to break forth all over me
Need those thick, strong thighs
to hold me up to the sky
Need your breasts rubbed
round my face
Need your calling out my name
Need your back arched under me
like a strong, black bridge
Linking our African pasts.
I am missing you tonight.
Please come to me.
Sometimes, I require nothing more
to have you near me,
making love gently
lightly touching, tracing lines
around your heart
and breasts;
feeling your tender
fragrant, steady breathing;
moistening my fingers
with your anticipation
of things to come.
Sometimes, I require nothing less
all of you
taking me inside
pushing past all walls,
making furious and passionate
hearing you breathe heavy
and unsteady
in my ear;
tensions exploding
as you wet my face
with your trust.
When I kiss her,
she pushes a story into my mouth.
I mean
to elaborate.
I wear your smile upon my lips
arising on morning's innocent
Your laughter overflows my throat
Your skin is a fleece about me
With your princely walk I salute the sun
People say I am handsome
Arising on mornings innocent
birds make the sound of kisses
Leaves flicker light and dark like eyes
I melt beneath the magnet of your gaze
Your husky breath insinuates my ear
Alert and fresh as grass I wake
and rise on mornings innocent
The strands of the wrestler
run golden through my limbs
I cleave the air with insolent ease
With your princely walk I salute the sun
People say I am handsome
Your eyes are just
like bees, and I feel
like a flower.
Their brown power makes
a breeze go over
my skin. When your
lashes ride down and
rise like brown bees'
legs, your pronged gaze
makes my eyes gauze.
I wish we were
in some shade and
no swarm of other
eyes to know that
I'm a flower breathing
bare, laid open to
your bees' warm stare.
I'd let you wade
in me and seize
with your eager brown
bees' power a sweet
glistening at my core.
What is more immediate
than jazz? The jazz of washing dishes,
barefoot on gritty linoleum,
alone in the living night.
The jazz of my desk alive
with books; me leaning back, reading.
The cool wail of getting high. Sweet music
of her breasts moving under purple silk.
Le jazz de son sourire gamin.
The rhythm of my blood pulsing, mind
pushing back the limits of thought, opening
to this breathing dark.
One moment, memory, poem coming together
in the jazz fusion of being.
you are
solid bicep
round ass
untiring arm
insatiable hunger
raw energy
exquisite pleasure
fluid power
rock hard
pulsating inside me.
you are
soft lips
unyielding tongue
knowing tickle
gentle touch
rough play
exquisite pleasure
fluid power
rock hard
pulsating inside me.
you are
brown skin
long legs
hard thighs
demanding fingers
delicious fist
exquisite pleasure
fluid power
rock hard
pulsating inside me.
you are
tough sister
rough fantasy
rowdy lover
best friend
riding partner
exquisite pleasure
fluid power
rock hard
pulsating inside me.
It happened in a heartbeat
years of passion rolled into a speck of time
our eyes met/ we knew desire
made love/ threw parties/ made friends
walked on a hundred beaches
ate cheesecake in bed/ bathed each other
raised a family/ changed flat tires
adopted a puppy/ grew vegetables/ shopped for
curtains/ gave each other flowers
played softball/ cards/ monopoly/ went to
drive-ins/ talked baby talk/ kissed
cried / wrapped presents/ argued sometimes
threw snowballs/ sailed/ had pillow fights
said I LOVE YOU every day/ lived and loved
openly as lesbians for over forty years
in the blink of an eye/ an instant/ a heartbeat
then your bus came and you were gone
She told me she had always fantasized about a woman in a black slip.
It had to do with Elizabeth Taylor in Butterfield Eight.
She came to my house with a huge box
gift-wrapped with gigantic ribbons.
Inside, a black slip.
Slinky, with lace across the bodice.
She told me how she was embarrassed
in the department store,
a woman in men's pants
buying a black slip clearly not intended for herself,
and about the gay men in line behind her,
sharing the joke.
She asked me to try it on.
I took it into the bathroom,
slipped it over my head.
I stared at myself for a long time
before I came out of the bathroom
walked over to her
lying on the bed.
That was the first time. It got easier.
The black slip was joined by a blue slip
then a red one
then a long lavender negligee,
the back slit to there.
I wore them to bed.
In the morning she would smile and say
how much she loved waking up next to a woman
in a slip.
The black slip remained our favorite.
We always made love when I wore the black slip.
Once I showed up at her door late at night wearing a long coat
with only the black slip underneath.
One night I cooked dinner at her apartment wearing nothing
but the black slip
and red suede high heels.
It was always the first thing to pack when we went on
And she used to make me promise
that if we ever broke up
I'd never wear that slip for anyone else.
I don't know where it is now.
Stripped of that private skin
when we broke up
I never went back to claim it.
I think she must have
packed it
given it
thrown it
On bad days I imagine her
sliding it over the head of some new love whispering about Elizabeth Taylor
and waking up to a woman in a slip.
Or perhaps
it's still there
draped on the back of the door.
A sinuous shadow.
A moan in the dark.
i want to forget everything i've known
with you.
with you, i want to forget
the fear of falling from high places
of being sucked into swamps.
i want to remember things
i didn't know i knew:
how to look at joy straight on—
how to love from joy, not fear.
this time i won't put one name
to everything i long for.
when i wake in bliss, in love
i'll remember you are not the sole
yes. and i want to
listen to all you are
i want to know when to say
you go alone into this part, now:
this is how we are different.
i want to remember that we are
i am afraid
of the feeling
of quicksand
so warm, enveloping
not letting me go.
i think of you
and inside me things separate
something goes soft
inside my very cells
everything is fluidity and
there is beauty in that
fluidity scares me:
it has no center
no guideposts
this is the feeling
i have always known as love.
it is because of this feeling
that i say i love you.
i work changes in my life
alone; it is not time
to be with you.
the time will come, I'm not
my work lately takes strange forms:
i clean the sink attentively
wash my hair meditatively; i am
slowly, outdoors, by hand
sewing new curtains.
at first i thought i was
arranging my life for you
and then i saw—no—
i am preparing a nest
for my changes
to be born in.
see things different
do love different
there is a place between
sleeping and waking
there must be a place between
lover and not-lover
can we be intimate but not sexual
can we be forever but not sexual
can we be sexual but not forever
can we be
but not sexual
intimate open
souls touching
can we be sexual
and not compromise our souls
can we do love different
can we
start to
do love different
can we be
whatever we be
do this for me:
be patient.
remind me to breathe.
confess to me your terror
of bogs and altitudes.
i will remind you to breathe.
to keep breathing.
one day, maybe
we'll swim out to where we can't see shore.