September 16TH, 2024
hellooo i just finished my latest project, a page dedicated to Jaime Sabines, a mexican poet i've been reading this summer. i'm so proud of how much i've been reading :) i have also been collecting photos of my beautiful kitty, Luna, in hopes of making her a shrine soon. i will also update my music page soon... still collecting albums to add. anywho, enjoy exploring my page <3
August 5TH, 2024
hi! i made a cool new page, a collection of my favorite lesbian poetry ive read this summer. i reorganized my 'writings' into three new sections; poems, purgings, and musings. i also added a new row of albums. i have had a great summer; watching the olympics, going to doc films, and working with kids. but most of all... MY CAT LUNA! <3 she's the light in my life and love of my soul :)
May 2ND, 2024
hello, im gonna graduate soon! woAH right. came back from study abroad in spain about 2 months ago (will update photos... one day) been working on the site during some of my 3 hour classes lol; random updates, more cool links and favorites. i've gotten back into readings!! glad to have that hobby back :) excited for the warmer weather and first summer in hp! in high spirits, hoping my body catches up and recovers soon- happy days <3
August 15TH, 2023
hiii, i love to say it's good to be back but we'll see how often i come on. i reorganized my home page to have two sidebars, i think it looks cleaner and more...y2k internety. also had to change links and blog to match. i didn't want to get rid of the color changing buttons when you hover, but i think they'll go well in my photos page...that's still a wip. hopefully i'll feel inspired by the makeover to recode that page. we'll see. take care xoxo
May 28TH, 2023
hellooooo, so it's the end of the school year. THANK GOD. good riddance, H.A.G.S. i've been obsessed with the site lately, struggling to fight the urge to code. i check my guest book like it's my twitter timeline- too often. people love to vandalize it and i love to fix it. anywho, just want to check-in instead of lurking around my own site. i'm here! just passively. soon, l8er
April 23TH, 2023
hi :0 i've missed this place. i know i'm a month late but HAPPY ONE YEAR!!! i adore this site and the reflection of myself inside it. this is my baby and i am very proud of how far it's come! i never thought i'd put my art, poems, photos and favorite music out in the universe, but i am utterly glad that i did. thank you for the contributions to my guestbook, it truly makes this corner of the worldwideweb very special to me! thank you to k80 for introducing me to the newfound geocities universe in the WWW (and for being my best friend). i am so grateful for everything in my life, i could not ask for more. i hope you have an awesome day and i'll see you soon :)
p.s. acrimonious serenity is no longer locked. i consider it some of my best writing and haven't been able to finish a project since. 10 months later i think i've finally reached acceptance. enjoy your read <3
Feburary 22TH, 2023
hi hi hi! SZA TODAY!!! also lent... february has been a busy, fun month <3 i added a "my favorites" section on the home page, updated my links with more cool sites, and ofc more blinkies. also went off with my photos page- gonna try to sort it by city, museum, color, etc. just need to figure out how (also to reduce loading time). been showin' the hub around to my friends, so yeah keep an eye out for more random changes. ttyl :p
Feburary 6TH, 2023
hello it's been a bit :3 school break school yk. i am still very happy, ups and downs but yk i'm in a good headspace when i code. anywho updated my music page. added albumns and playlists. currently going crazy making playlist for some reason. happens. i want to add photos i've taken with my camera... we'll see how that'll go. been reading and working out, on a health kick. still loving my friends, classes, apt, lifestlye. whole lotta love for me. <3 missing my besties abroad but they'll be back soon. mwah, missed this! xoxo
hi, quick lil edits. added more of mine and my lil brother's paintings to the art page. also made a new collages page. added lots of new blinkies to the blinkies page too! so happy with all my friends, classes, new relationships, and cool apartment! i am truly in love with my life :)
long time no see :) i had such a good time abroad! i filled a whole notebook with thoughts, saw countless beautiful artworks, and enjoyed my own company. i missed coding! i included some of my writings and sketches in my art page. added a new poem "unknown" and reorganized the pathways to make categories more clear. updated my music page to include my current albums and playlists. while i traveled i added my natal chart to random... coding on my phone makes me feel like a god but i missed my computer. also cleaned up some miscellaneous bugs and added my button to the sidebar. so unbelievably proud of the progress i have made this summer! i know school will keep me occupied for a while so goodbye for now <3
AUGUST 23RD, 2022
hi, so i am approaching the end of my coding craze. traveling all next month! i added my crepes recipe and more to my random page, fixed the buttons in mobile (just need to fix the gd space btwn the main container and footer), and added more blinkies. i'm very satisfied with my site and it's updates! xoxo
AUGUST 15TH, 2022
guess what... i added the warning for mobile phones!! it was quick so then i made a whole new project, my random page. it's for quizzes right now, i like the simplicity. i also changed the blinkies background. found more blinkies. perhaps i'll get on that cursors project next. anyways, gn
AUGUST 5TH, 2022
hi. updated the woman in love with simone de beauvoir and elena ferrante quotes. also a set of songs i think fit the theme of the page. tweeked some hyperlinking i had going on. also added more cool links so go check those out. god i love this site, ttyl
AUGUST 1ST, 2022
once again i am addicted. i made my first sticky sidebar! it is the appendix of book which now directs you to each page AND it's a details tag i.e. baller. also the lost page is now a map via details tag! that tag and hover underlining get me too amped up. i tweaked the width of every page. and redid my home page bio. and added links to links page. evidently cursors are not my priority. who knows where this craze will take me, i'm just here for the ride.
JULY 31TH, 2022
oh my. so i did a lot. i made the writing page into a art page so i could include some drawings too. so i added one sketch (the others are either too s*d or in hp). i added the book i made in 2019. i thought abt adding a description or table of contents but i like the simplicity (aesthetically and mentally). i also began my "woman in love" thoughts that i have yet to finish bc i need to finish the book series for quotes (and figure out div more). i'm not sure what else i will add, depends on how vulnerable i want to be on here. realizing i do not write anymore, so i added one recent and old poem. i do LOVE the results, it was frustrating and i hated it at first but in the end a succesful wip. anywho, maybe i'll mess around with cursors next time, switch it up. c u l8r
JULY 24TH, 2022
hi, i saved all my graphics onto my site! updated my music page, very proud of how it turned out. i added my spotify profile and 9 playlists :) i love how it looks, yes i did ch**t w the premade code but it fits. added more blinkies to the page, looking pretty. i'll work on the writing page soon, so far i chose the background lol. having lots of fun w my friends in hp, glad i'm easing my way back into coding. ttyl!
July 22TH, 2022
oh man. hello, it's been a long while. yk life happens. anyways, i'm just tidying up the site. i updated the music page! had to learn the importance of saving EVERY graphic onto my dashboard the hard way. so currently that's my first goal. my biggest goal is my writing page; i have a lot of random things i want to add and i'm excited to see how i do it. also want to connect my bombass spotify to the music page. and code my updated resume onto a page (tentative). i've got a lot planned this summer, i'm happy to be back <3
APRIL 27TH, 2022
so time to chill again. i have an essay to do/start so i gotta take a lil break from the site! i did a lot tho, made the blinkies page (background is tentative), saved my graphics and reoragnized dashboard w/folders, added buttons to link my followers! it's so nice to be supported so i wanna do it too :)
APRIL 25TH, 2022
hello...mom. lol i'm glad i have an audience. anywho, i had a gr8 weekend, very jampacked and sunny ☀ did all my work so i rewarded myself by doing my fav thing: BLINKIES!!! later projects should be a blinkies page, continuing music page, and at some point incorporating my writing/poems. i wish good weeks all around <3
APRIL 20TH, 2022
happy holiday! i'm back! well for now. the break was good, just added more blinkies, buttons, and underlined links when hover. oh, also autoplay video on the music page. not sure where i want that page to go but for now i'm satisfied. it's been nice to show my friends the site and i'm excited to show more people along the way! have a nice day :)
APRIL 11TH, 2022
so what's crazy is how i can just work on this for hours. but what's even crazier is that i should stop. i'll be better about it next this week. i'm very satisfied with the new pages: i made a button!! my links goes crazy, sidebar has a map, home was adjusted and now has a flying saucer! next steps would be music page and maybe cursors? we'll see, i'd love to add poems sometime too, so perhaps a writing page with button linking to them... so much to do and so little time!!
sweet dreams <p> in html </p>
APRIL 9TH, 2022
hello again. following my coding craze, i have made a links page, added imood and adjusted some lil details on every page. so far so good. i'm glad i set aside time bc tomorrow i will be doing my homework- how fun. anyways loving how its turning out and excited to see what else i add :)
APRIL 8TH, 2022
hi, first entry yay!! so, i started my hub about 3 weeks ago, during spring break. i chose the design, organized the lay out, filled + finished the sidebar, and flooded the footer with blinkies! then school started, i focused on settling in yk. but...for the past 2 days i have been obsessed with working on my lil site again! so far i have finalized the home page, i added buttons going to random places but then i customized the not found page, started the music page, made a blog, and readjusted site to make it more responsive. really proud, but also need to calm down because i have been coding instead of paying attention in class. but... it's the weekend now so i'll allocate more appropriate times for working on this next week. next goals are finishing music page and maintaining the blog? very unsure how often i will be updating here, but for now that shouldn't be too hard. anyways, welcome and goodnight <3